yesterday afternoon, we all went to glacier national park. i love glacier! everywhere and everything is so amazingly pretty. and the weather was perfect for being outside. not too hot, but not too cold.

first we stopped at lake mcdonald lodge, and bought a bunch of "centenial celebration" stuff. i got a sweatshirt! this is jenna dear in front of the totem pole out in the front of the lodge.

then we drove up going-to-the-sun road for a little while. and took this side road that went off into the woods {my aunt caught an adventurous spirit} haha. and, at the end of this curvy dirt road, we found a hiking trailhead, this abandoned cabin, and an outhouse. such finds!

avalanche creek was our next stop, and also my absolute favorite place in the park. we always come here, and build rock cities/sculptures like this one. haha, the tradition started when we came to glacier with colin and his family, and its kinda become a fun way to be entertained! haha, besides, the 40 degree water doesnt exactly allow for swimming, so...this is a fun alternative.

jenna and i found three heartshaped rocks!

these are two little butterflies! they didnt mind me getting close to them, so i was able to take pictures of them!

Next glacier trip, we are going hiking! i love hiking so so much! jenna and i have hiked all the way up Big Mountain 3 times already, and we plan on going again tomorrow.
im so jealous of your location right now! it looks so beautiful!!