van gogh. i have a special place in my heart for him. i dont know why, but his starry starry night and sunflowers captivate me so...
i think it may be because i love the combination of yellow and blue...and he had a thing about balancing those two colors.

many try to give all these explanations for why he loved yellow so much, blaming it on disease or eye disfunctions. but id like to suggest that maybe he liked the color because of what yellow is symbolic of; enlightenment, hope, joy. maybe painting a sky yellow displayed his search for truth.

brian king shared that some critcs believe that the yellow represents van gogh trying to find reality and reaching out for truth and god. In the rise of lazarus, he puts his own face on that of lazarus. perhaps this is his realization that he needs a fresh start.

who knows what van gogh was thinking when he chose his pallate. maybe he just liked yellow...
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